Hey, I'm Jean 🌊🙋🏻‍♂️
Developer, thinker,
& creator 👨‍💻💭.

I'm a Full Stack Developer experienced at creating software with ⓋVue, ⚛︎React, and ䷮Laravel. Also experienced on ⓌWordpress development. I'm currently residing in Orlando, Fl, and available for hire!


Vue & LaravelReactWordPress & Vue

Messenger Panel

Laravel | Vue | Websockets

Instant messaging feature created for theLinc, it uses websockets to listen for any new conversations or new messages in a conversation. When mounting the component it looks for any existing data inside of localStorage that is not older than a couple minutes. If it can't find it it will hit an endpoint to grab initial data.

Smart Table

Laravel | Vue

Custom Smart Table feature created with performance in mind. It renders presentational components to save on performance and listens for a click to activate inline editing for the table's row.

Estimate Builder

Laravel | Vue | Blockly

Main feature of thelinc. It interpolates with Google's Blockly to give the end user the ability to "code" their own formulas into the cost or quantity and sanitizes said code to prevent undesired injection.



Principal Software Engineer @theLinc

August 2019 - Present
  • In charge of Development practices at theLinc with Vue.js, Vuex, Laravel.
  • Created in-app messenger with websockets integration (Pusher). Main Developer for features such as: Version Restoration, Blockly formula integration, and inline editing Smart Table.
  • Created and mantained e2e tests using Cypress and implemented various Vue libraries (vue-draggable, vue2-dropzone, Blockly) and standard SPA practices (Vue router, Vuex State management) that were absent when I started.